Academic and scholarly publications are available here

Implementation of the HPC pedagogical framework for technology enhanced learning continues in various Australian primary and secondary schools.
The framework is used in a number of teacher education undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Australian universities; and at one university in The Netherlands.
Favourite readings, websites and inspirations
Machine Learning and Human Intelligence written by Professor Rosemary Luckin
The reading that started my thinking about TPACK is Mishra & Koehler (2006)
Must read is Seymour Papert’s Minstorms and his website
Professor Anna Craft’s CREATE projects at Exeter University
The Good Project at Harvard with Professor Howard Gardner
Professor Keith Sawyer’s creativity, collaboration and learning work from the University of North Carolina
Professor John Dewey and his philosophy of education and experience
Presentations and engagements
Five HPC courses are NESA approved at the proficient and lead teacher level – see the NESA website for further details.
I am a speaker who regularly presents education research and ideas to public audiences both in Australia and overseas.
See my latest video here – May 2019
If you are a media outlet please send me a message through the contacts page on this website or through my UTS email address.