Almost time to farewell 2015

Wow what a year – in 2014 both of my extraordinary but frail parents passed away within three months of one another – 62 years of marriage – quite an achievement. I miss them. This year has been a time of reflection and moving on.
I started this blog as an important part of the HPC website just after my book: Technology Integration and High Possibility Classrooms: Building from TPACK was published in late March. I have been overwhelmed with the hundreds of daily views the site receives particularly from the United States, Australia and Russia. Thank you. Running a stats plugin across a website is fascinating; love that kind of data.
I’d like to take this opportunity in the last post for the year to thank all of the pre-service and in-service teachers, school leaders, industry partners and wonderful colleagues I have worked with in 2015. Show stoppers all of you. In education – it is always stimulating and life affirming – most of all great fun amidst the hard, steady work.
My #jhstudyleave to the US from September-November was amazing; a whole book of experiences drawn from generous education colleagues at the College of William & Mary in Virginia, to superb principals and teachers in local schools, enthusiastic grad students and memorable times with old and new friends. Loved every minute.
In 2016 I will continue to send out HPC newsletters to subscribers and add posts and new resources to the website on a regular basis. Keep in touch – may all those wonderful twitterati PLNers, education colleagues and dear friends enjoy the upcoming season of rest and restore – I am moving to the School of Education in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at the University of Technology Sydney on 1 February to start a four year post doc. Very excited.

Thank you to Western Sydney University for the opportunities – I have had a terrific time there for the past, almost six years – go well into the future.
Enjoy the colourful images from Natalie Lete in this post – she is one of my favourites … ah another life … maybe a career in design – enjoy! Still time?
But meanwhile more researching, teaching and learning in education awaits ….
It is a fine seasoning for joy to think of those we love ~ Moliere.