
Latest HPC book on Integrated STEM is being launched on 24th March 2021 from 5-6pm

Like most things in our ‘not quite post covid19 world’ my new book is being launched online via zoom along with five recent books from colleagues in the School of Education and International Studies in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at UTS.

Here is the link to register for the event:

The amazing Professor Liz Harry from the ithree institute at UTS who wrote the foreword in my book will share some of her musings about her love of learning to learn, of curiosity and science and how the HPC STEM book spoke to her as a scientist and someone who only occasionally goes into school classrooms.

I am grateful to the principals who funded the research, to the teachers and students who participated and to generous colleagues who supported the three studies with their time, analysis and commitment to the professional learning days at UTS.

Dr Terry Fitzgerald helped me massage and wrangle the text. Thank you to Dr Louise Zarmati from UTAS who read drafts of early chapters and of course to my family, to UTS colleagues who made text suggestions and to my dear friends whose cheering and making of cups of tea at the sidelines during my pandemic writing days were always welcome.

I would like this book to draw attention to the urgent need for less-soiled teaching and learning in K-6 classrooms but especially in the 7-12 years. Not only in the STEM disciplines but to find ways to integrate the Arts and Humanities and adopt more transdisciplinary approaches. The blueprint for High Possibility STEM Schools in the final chapter is a call to action for the adoption of 10 directions for K-12 education and where the priorities should be.

I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday 24 March at 5pm – it is an hour BUT I guarantee it will be time well spent as you stop to engage with new ideas and new knowledge. And PS don’t forget to order a copy when you have a moment – thank you.